Supporting You Through Traffic Safety This Holiday Season


Contributing Authors: M. Kimberly Brown, Senior Attorney & Erin Inman, Staff Attorney, NDAA’s National Traffic Law Center

Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

The holiday season is upon us, and unfortunately, it historically brings a new season of traffic crashes, injuries, and death on our roads. Recent tragedies across the country underscore the importance of a comprehensive traffic safety policy which includes effective prosecution of dangerous drivers. The National District Attorneys Association’s National Traffic Law Center (NTLC) exists to assist prosecutors in handling these cases by creating and disseminating a plethora of resources tailored specifically for them. The Crash Reconstruction Basics for Prosecutors, Large Truck Crash Reconstruction for Prosecutors monographs and the Lethal Weapon training curriculum are just three examples. The NTLC also has materials geared toward prosecuting alcohol and/or drug impaired drivers and distracted drivers, such as the on-demand courses, Prosecuting DUI Cases and Investigating and Prosecuting the Drug-Impaired Driving Cases, and the Investigation and Prosecution of Distracted Driving Cases and Distracted Driving CDL Enforcement for Prosecutors and Law Enforcement monographs.

If you or someone in your office are interested in more information about these and other valuable publications, please check out the NTLC website or contact us directly here.

The National District Attorneys Association’s National Traffic Law Center (NTLC) is a resource designed to benefit prosecutors, judges, law enforcement officers and others in the justice system. The mission of NTLC is to improve the quality of justice in traffic safety adjudications by increasing the awareness of highway safety issues through the compilation, creation and dissemination of legal and technical information, and by providing training and reference services.



National District Attorneys Association

The National District Attorneys Association (NDAA) is the oldest and largest national organization representing state and local prosecutors in the country.